Dear Alpha Phi Sisters,
I have the privilege of serving as the president of the Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter.
I pledged Alpha Phi early in the spring of 1983 as a charter member of Zeta Upsilon at Washington University in St. Louis. I was very lucky as a charter member to be modeled from the start the multiple campus and lifetime nature of Alpha Phi. Collegians and alumnae from a number of chapters introduced the opportunity to establish an Alpha Phi chapter on our campus to eager young leaders. Those of us who ultimately were chosen as new members had an advisory board of women from several chapters who operated as an amazing team who leveraged their different Alpha Phi experiences to support our success. These women were not shy about expecting us to follow their lead and pay it forward by being involved alumnae.
Since graduation I have had many intentional and serendipitous Alpha Phi experiences. Every opportunity has brought me new friends and broadened my world. I have had the honor to serve in multiple advising roles at two different chapters. I arrived in Kansas City in August of 2020 (pandemic summer) and in the spring of 2021, I attended my first Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter event, met some wonderful women who warmly welcomed me into their sisterhood. In a surprising turn of events in spring 2023 I was selected to serve the chapter as president. I am honored and delighted to be in this role.
I invite you to join us at any of our events and activities. We typically meet on the third Tuesday of the month from September to May. You can find details of upcoming events on our Facebook page. You will also find posts from members inviting sisters to join in other opportunities. If your email and address are current with Alpha Phi International, you should be receiving our monthly emails. If you have questions or would like to be added to our email distribution you can reach us at [email protected].
Yours in sisterhood,
Kristen Temple
Connect with us today on our Facebook Page!
I have the privilege of serving as the president of the Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter.
I pledged Alpha Phi early in the spring of 1983 as a charter member of Zeta Upsilon at Washington University in St. Louis. I was very lucky as a charter member to be modeled from the start the multiple campus and lifetime nature of Alpha Phi. Collegians and alumnae from a number of chapters introduced the opportunity to establish an Alpha Phi chapter on our campus to eager young leaders. Those of us who ultimately were chosen as new members had an advisory board of women from several chapters who operated as an amazing team who leveraged their different Alpha Phi experiences to support our success. These women were not shy about expecting us to follow their lead and pay it forward by being involved alumnae.
Since graduation I have had many intentional and serendipitous Alpha Phi experiences. Every opportunity has brought me new friends and broadened my world. I have had the honor to serve in multiple advising roles at two different chapters. I arrived in Kansas City in August of 2020 (pandemic summer) and in the spring of 2021, I attended my first Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter event, met some wonderful women who warmly welcomed me into their sisterhood. In a surprising turn of events in spring 2023 I was selected to serve the chapter as president. I am honored and delighted to be in this role.
I invite you to join us at any of our events and activities. We typically meet on the third Tuesday of the month from September to May. You can find details of upcoming events on our Facebook page. You will also find posts from members inviting sisters to join in other opportunities. If your email and address are current with Alpha Phi International, you should be receiving our monthly emails. If you have questions or would like to be added to our email distribution you can reach us at [email protected].
Yours in sisterhood,
Kristen Temple
Connect with us today on our Facebook Page!